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Natural Fulvic Acid Products Free of Man-Made Chemicals

Highly sensitive bioanalytical analysis demonstrates fulvic powder is free of over 500 pesticides

MK Williams, Ph.D. March 2022

Mineral Logic offers Fulvic Products Free of Man-Made Chemicals

As the world population steadily grows the demand for agricultural products increases and in turn correlates to an overuse of chemicals and pesticides towards the endgame of enhancing crop production and food for all. The practice of injecting man-made chemicals into our environments leads to an unhealthy chemical buildup of toxins that can become an inevitable part of our food chain. It is well known that chronic exposure to man-made chemicals can have a cumulative detrimental effect on our health and wellness.

“At Mineral Logic we take purity of our raw material and final product seriously to assure that they are free from chemicals, herbicides, and pesticides.” Dr. Williams, Ph. D.

Public awareness for better health and diet has led to the increased demand for chemical-free organically grown agricultural products. Organically grown foods, when compared to foods grown in the presence of chemicals, are far richer in vitamins, minerals, and trace elements that help nurture and maintain a healthy body. The availability of organically grown foods is becoming more mainstream and is steadily on the rise.

People are also increasingly aware that vitamins, minerals and natural supplements including fulvic acid, which is a natural antioxidant, help combat environmental stressors that we are exposed to during every-day life.

The source material in Mineral Logic’s supplements is rich in natural minerals, trace elements, and fulvic acid. This natural material is harvested from our mine located in the United States in a rural setting far from any industry or farming operation. The likelihood of any man-made pesticides or chemicals infiltrating this pristine site are exceedingly small. Years of accredited laboratory testing of our products has repeatedly demonstrated that they are free of man-made chemicals, pesticides, and herbicides, including Roundup®. With the recent advancement of bioanalytical tools, testing methods for such compounds have become increasingly comprehensive and sensitive. Mineral Logic is proud to announce our most extensive test results to date, which establish that our fulvic powder is free of over 500 pesticides.

The release of man-made chemicals into the environment has both known and yet-unknown serious negative consequences on our health [1-3].

For instance, world production and subsequent environmental release of the agricultural chemical glyphosate alone is astounding. Approximately 8.6 billion kg of glyphosate have been applied globally since 1974 [4]; 1.6 billion kg of which has been applied in the US alone, with two-thirds of this amount having been applied in just the past 10 years.

Glyphosate has been reported to increase the risk of cancer, endocrine-disruption, celiac disease, autism, effect on erythrocytes, leaky-gut syndrome, etc. [5-10] The reclassification of glyphosate in 2015 as ‘probably carcinogenic’ under Group 2A by the International Agency for Research on Cancer has been broadly circulated by anti-chemical and environmental advocacy groups claiming for restricted use or ban of glyphosate.

The world should stand-together to prohibit the use of glyphosate and pesticides in agriculture. It readily accumulates in our food sources leading to the steady accumulation of these man-made-chemicals in our bodies.

At Mineral Logic we take purity of our supplements seriously to assure – by third-party FDA accredited independent laboratories -- that they are free from chemicals, herbicides, and pesticides.

Bioanalytical Technique Detects particles smaller than a grain of salt!

As part of our ongoing commitment towards organic origins and maintaining pesticide and chemical free products we commissioned a state-of-the art laboratory that specializes in food chemistry ( to screen our fulvic products for the presence of over 500 known chemical pesticides, and herbicides including glyphosate.

This specialized laboratory employed the highly sensitive bioanalytical technique LC/MS-MSa to screen for the presence of more than 500 known pesticides, including the herbicide glyphosate, in our fulvic supplements. The assay has the capability to detect individual chemical pesticides at or above 10 nanograms per kilogram of our MLG-50® fulvic supplement, which is an extraordinarily small number. To give you a better idea how small this number is, the weight of a grain of salt is approximately 58,500 nanograms.

This highly sensitive bioanalytical technique did not detect any source, not even trace amounts, of pesticides (link to list of pesticides screened) nor of glyphosate including its chemical breakdown product AMPA (also known as a detrimental hormone-disruptor known to cause cancer) in our fulvic products.

Mineral Logic continuously commits the scientific resources needed to ensure the safety of our fulvic-based supplements. We now have the test results to confirm that our products are free from over 500 unnatural man-made chemicals, including herbicides, and pesticides.

This study underscores our commitment to these values for our customers. Please visit for further scientific support of our products including our commitment to “organic origins” providing naturally chemical-free product offerings.

aLC/MS-MS - A powerful tandem bioanalytical technique that is used to analyze biochemical, organic, and inorganic compounds commonly found in complex samples of environmental and biological origin. Therefore, LC-MS-MS may be applied in a wide range of sectors including biotechnology, environment monitoring, food processing, and pharmaceutical, agrochemical, and cosmetic industries.


  1. Dich, J., et al., Pesticides and cancer. Cancer Causes Control, 1997. 8(3): p. 420-43

  2. Mostafalou, S. and M. Abdollahi, Pesticides: an update of human exposure and toxicity. Arch Toxicol, 2017. 91(2): p. 549-599

  3. Nasterlack, M., Pesticides and childhood cancer: an update. Int J Hyg Environ Health, 2007. 210(5): p. 645-57

  4. Benbrook, C.M., Trends in glyphosate herbicide use in the United States and globally. Environ Sci Eur, 2016. 28(1): p. 3

  5. BCPP. Glyphosate-based Herbicides. 2022 [cited 2022 March 7, 2022]; Available from:

  6. Franke, A.A., et al., Pilot study on the urinary excretion of the glyphosate metabolite aminomethylphosphonic acid and breast cancer risk: The Multiethnic Cohort study. Environ Pollut, 2021. 277: p. 116848

  7. Gillezeau, C., et al., The evidence of human exposure to glyphosate: a review. Environ Health, 2019. 18(1): p. 2

  8. Parvez, S., et al., Glyphosate exposure in pregnancy and shortened gestational length: a prospective Indiana birth cohort study. Environ Health, 2018. 17(1): p. 23

  9. Thongprakaisang, S., et al., Glyphosate induces human breast cancer cells growth via estrogen receptors. Food Chem Toxicol, 2013. 59: p. 129-36

  10. Zanardi, M.V., et al., Glyphosate-based herbicide induces hyperplastic ducts in the mammary gland of aging Wistar rats. Mol Cell Endocrinol, 2020. 501: p. 110658


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